11:30am – 1:00pm – Educational Training
Presentation by Kathleen Ryan, National SGMP Webinar
Approved for 1 hour of CEU
Core Competency: Protocol
RSVP by December 6 for meal planning!
We will be doing an ornament exchange! Please bring a Christmas ornament/decoration that is valued between $10-$20 for the exchange if you wish to participate. Participation is not required.
Registration Fees: $20 Member Planners or $40 Non-member Planners
$30 Supplier Member or $40 Non-Member Suppliers
First-time Planners are FREE - but must register!
There is a $2 credit card fee on each transaction. If you bring a check to the meeting, we will remove the $2 charge and zero balance your account.
If you wish to stay overnight, we have a room block set up for December 11th. Please click the group booking link. You can also place reservations by calling the hotel directly. Our Group Code is SGM. This code or the group name must be mentioned in order to receive your special rate. Booking Link.