SEPTEMBER 10, 2020
Location: ZOOM - ONLINE!
11:30am - 12:00pm Virtual Networking and Socializing
12:00 - 1:00pm – Educational Training
Presentation by:
Michael Aguirre - Visit Baton Rouge
Carolyn Barrett, CGMP, CHSC - Visit Kenner
Zondra Jones - Louisiana Northshore
Fay Nedd, MS, CGMP, HMCC - New Orleans & Company
RSVP by Wednesday, September 9!
Approved for 1 hour of Facilities & Services Core Competency
What do we look for in a CVB partnership? Will we be asking CVB representatives about helping planners with virtual site visits and sourcing smaller in-person and hybrid meeting locations? What points do we need to think about if we want to plan for in-person meetings? What services are being offered through CVBs in COVID?
Facilitated discussion with CVB representatives.
$15 for all members and guests.
First-time Louisiana Planners are FREE - but must register!
There is a $2 credit card fee included on each transaction.
After you register and/or pay for your session, you will receive a confirmation message. The confirmation message will ask you to complete a registration within the Zoom platform for the meeting. This is an extra step, but provides meeting security. Thank you!