March 2021 Education Meeting - Virtual

  • March 11, 2021
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Online


  • There is a $15 meeting fee with a $2 credit card fee. If you pay with a check or cash, we will edit your account to remove the $2 fee after payment is made.
  • There is a $15 meeting fee with a $2 credit card fee. If you pay with a check or cash, we will edit your account to remove the $2 fee after payment is made.
  • Member of another SGMP Chapter outside of Louisiana.

    There is a $15 meeting fee with a $2 credit card fee. If you pay with a check or cash, we will edit your account to remove the $2 fee after payment is made.
  • There is a $15 meeting fee with a $2 credit card fee. If you pay with a check or cash, we will edit your account to remove the $2 fee after payment is made.
  • There is a $15 meeting fee with a $2 credit card fee. If you pay with a check or cash, we will edit your account to remove the $2 fee after payment is made.

Registration is closed

March  11, 2021
Location:  VIRTUAL

11:30am - 12:00pm Networking and Socializing

12:00 - 1:00pm – Educational Training

Presentation by:

Kathleen Ryan, CGMP

Boeing Customer Engagement

RSVP by Tuesday, March 9!

Approved for 1 hour of Protocol Core Competency

Senior ranking federal government officials, local government officials, leaders from academia and private industry, and family all at your next event!   How do you prioritize them? And then how do you seat them

Join us virtually!

First-time Louisiana Planners are FREE - but must register!

There is a $2 credit card fee included on each transaction. 

After you register and/or pay for your session, you will receive a confirmation message. 

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