Government Meeting Specialist Certificate
Requirements and Qualifications
Government Meeting Specialist (GMS) is a voluntary certificate program for both planners and suppliers who are seeking the knowledge needed to effectively carry out the functions of a meeting professionals. Over the course of three to five years of membership with SGMP, members will earn the certificate through attendance in core competency based training and gain the general skill set necessary to perform their duties as a government meeting professional. This program is designed to enhance the skills of those who are industry veterans as well as those who are just beginning their career. From the date of issue, the GMS certificate is valid for 5 years.
In order to qualify for GMS, members must apply to enroll in the program with their respective chapter and maintain records of their attendance and the core competency the program covered. Over the course of three to five years, the member must meet the minimum criteria of program attendance and categorization in order to earn the GMS certificate.
Any current SGMP member of a GMS Certificate participating chapter can apply for this program and must maintain their membership throughout the program in order to attend the programs and earn the certificate. The enrollment period is ongoing and can be completed in accordance with the participating chapter’s policies.
In order to retain the value of the certificate and renew after five years, you will need to participate in a minimum of twenty contact hours within that period using this renewal tracking form, and reapply to earn the certificate through the normal three to five year process. Renewal Application
If you have received your Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP) designation, the hours required for this designation can be used to continue to build your knowledge and skill set while also being used for recertification of your CGMP.
A member completes the letter of commitment to show their desire to begin the program. The letter should be submitted to the Chapter Treasurer with a check for $35 (payable to SGMP La) to cover the fee for the process to obtain the GMS.
Participation is confirmed via a letter to the member from the chapter with an attached tracking form that outlines the required participation and expectations. This document is recommended for the member to use to continue tracking his/her own progress.
Attendance at monthly core competency education programs should be recorded on the tracking form by the member and will be verified by the chapter.
When the applicant has reached their final course, they should notify the chapter of their progress and apply for the certificate using the application form.
Following confirmation of completion, the chapter recognizes completion of the GMS certificate program at either the next monthly program or at the annual awards ceremony.
A letter of accomplishment should be sent by the chapter to the member and member’s supervisor, if welcomed.
The SGMP La Chapter makes public acknowledgement of members who earn GMS certificates below.
The designation of GMS for the SGMP La Chapter will be valid for 5 years from date of initial completion/renewal.
A member of SGMP La wishing to renew the designation as GMS should anticipate the 5 year expiration date, complete the renewal application, tracking form, and submit the information to the SGMP La Chapter Treasurer with the established fee.
Following confirmation of completion, the chapter recognizes completion of the GMS certificate program at either the next monthly program or at the annual awards ceremony.
A letter of accomplishment should be sent by the chapter to the member and member’s supervisor, if welcomed.
The SGMP La Chapter makes public acknowledgement of members who maintain their GMS certificates below.
SGMP La Members with GMS Certificate
Sharon Delvisco, CGMP GMS Melissa Lee Boyd, CGMP, GMS |